Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Brittany Murphy...RIP
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sad Murder.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Surprised Kitty Video
Surprised Kitty
Tom Cruise In A Mac Ad
Fake Mac Ad
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Real Time Management
Cal Newton, an MIT grad, came up with a method that allowed him to become very effiecent with his time. He gets a hell of a lot accomplished in a 40-hour week.
The basic principle is to decide the time-frame you want to work (say, 8am-5pm) and make it happen. Avoid busy-work, cull obligations, and other time drainers. He calls it "fixed-schedule productivity".
Check it out here.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
1959 Chevy vs 2009 Chevy
This test was done for the "Insurance Institute for Highway Safety" 50th year anniversary.
Sad to see a nice Bel Air go, but what a video.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I Just Robbed You. Want To Date?
Article here.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Pet Rapture Insurance?
I know there are plenty of people out there who believe in the Rapture. I've seen countless bumper stickers warning me, "In case of Rapture, this vehicle will be unmanned".
What has never occurred to me is to offer a "service" for the Rapture believers.
Someone has!
If you're rapture-minded and will be taken away on that great day, but are concerned about what will haappen to your beloved pets when you're gone, there's a service for you.
Check out Eternal Earth-Bound Pets.
Personally, I smell a scam.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Canabalt. Another Time-Wasting Simple Game
Unicycle + Segway = EniCycle!
Video clip
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Stranger Slaps Child.
Article is here.
Ben & Jerry's "Hubby Hubby"
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Why You Should Be Sober At A Funeral.
Sorrow has many forms. In mourning the loss of a loved one, people will do all kinds of things to feel better.
One tiny piece of advice: if you want to mourn your lost friend/relative by having a few drinks, or hits, snorts, whatever the latest term is, please do so after you've sung at their funeral. Helps prevent you from appearing on the Internet in eternal infamy.
V - The Series - Again!

Think shows of the '80's were great? Think some of those classic shows need to be remade so a new generation can enjoy what made you love them as a teenager?
Disappointed by the horrible remake jokes called Knight Rider, 90210, or any of the other re-do unoriginal crap that's come out recently?
Well, never fear! The ultimate cheesy '80's show reboot is here!
(okay, the promo actually looks decent. like they used real actors and real money to give us decent effects.)
Cube News 1
I accidentally ran across this while looking at some other video on YouTube last night.
(okay, okay. a Wonder Woman montage done to the Flashdance theme. don't ask.)
Funniest thing I've seen in awhile. If you've ever worked in a cubicle, you can relate to these funny skits.
I Love My Pillow, But Otaku?
I remember how hard it was to let go of my attachment to stuffed animals. Those fluffy, soft, non-judgmental toys got me through some rough childhood times. Alas, adulthood came and it was time to let go.
Then, there's my pillows. Love them, too. Soft, fluffy, perfect for resting one's head. I have to have my pillows to sleep well. Normal attachment to pillows. Most of us need one or two to sleep well.
BUT, um, this New York Times article regarding the practice of otaku brings all that pillow-loving, stuffed animal, doll-type love to a whole new level.
To be clear, we're not talking the, ahem, sex dolls, some males use as an "aid". Nope, we're talking l-o-v-e, folks.
Article here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Fun Time-Waster - Gravitee 2
Not a no-brainer as you need to think to get the golf ball around the planets (you heard me). Kind of fun, and I don't even like golf.
Happy 400th Birthday!
Galileo's telescope was first shown to Venetian lawmakers on this day, 400 years ago. He didn't invent the first telescope, but his is the one that became known as the terrestrial telescope.
Google's home page today has a nice homage to it. Some other links below: