Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Brittany Murphy...RIP
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sad Murder.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Surprised Kitty Video
Surprised Kitty
Tom Cruise In A Mac Ad
Fake Mac Ad
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Real Time Management
Cal Newton, an MIT grad, came up with a method that allowed him to become very effiecent with his time. He gets a hell of a lot accomplished in a 40-hour week.
The basic principle is to decide the time-frame you want to work (say, 8am-5pm) and make it happen. Avoid busy-work, cull obligations, and other time drainers. He calls it "fixed-schedule productivity".
Check it out here.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
1959 Chevy vs 2009 Chevy
This test was done for the "Insurance Institute for Highway Safety" 50th year anniversary.
Sad to see a nice Bel Air go, but what a video.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I Just Robbed You. Want To Date?
Article here.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Pet Rapture Insurance?
I know there are plenty of people out there who believe in the Rapture. I've seen countless bumper stickers warning me, "In case of Rapture, this vehicle will be unmanned".
What has never occurred to me is to offer a "service" for the Rapture believers.
Someone has!
If you're rapture-minded and will be taken away on that great day, but are concerned about what will haappen to your beloved pets when you're gone, there's a service for you.
Check out Eternal Earth-Bound Pets.
Personally, I smell a scam.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Canabalt. Another Time-Wasting Simple Game
Unicycle + Segway = EniCycle!
Video clip
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Stranger Slaps Child.
Article is here.
Ben & Jerry's "Hubby Hubby"
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Why You Should Be Sober At A Funeral.
Sorrow has many forms. In mourning the loss of a loved one, people will do all kinds of things to feel better.
One tiny piece of advice: if you want to mourn your lost friend/relative by having a few drinks, or hits, snorts, whatever the latest term is, please do so after you've sung at their funeral. Helps prevent you from appearing on the Internet in eternal infamy.
V - The Series - Again!

Think shows of the '80's were great? Think some of those classic shows need to be remade so a new generation can enjoy what made you love them as a teenager?
Disappointed by the horrible remake jokes called Knight Rider, 90210, or any of the other re-do unoriginal crap that's come out recently?
Well, never fear! The ultimate cheesy '80's show reboot is here!
(okay, the promo actually looks decent. like they used real actors and real money to give us decent effects.)
Cube News 1
I accidentally ran across this while looking at some other video on YouTube last night.
(okay, okay. a Wonder Woman montage done to the Flashdance theme. don't ask.)
Funniest thing I've seen in awhile. If you've ever worked in a cubicle, you can relate to these funny skits.
I Love My Pillow, But Otaku?
I remember how hard it was to let go of my attachment to stuffed animals. Those fluffy, soft, non-judgmental toys got me through some rough childhood times. Alas, adulthood came and it was time to let go.
Then, there's my pillows. Love them, too. Soft, fluffy, perfect for resting one's head. I have to have my pillows to sleep well. Normal attachment to pillows. Most of us need one or two to sleep well.
BUT, um, this New York Times article regarding the practice of otaku brings all that pillow-loving, stuffed animal, doll-type love to a whole new level.
To be clear, we're not talking the, ahem, sex dolls, some males use as an "aid". Nope, we're talking l-o-v-e, folks.
Article here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Fun Time-Waster - Gravitee 2
Not a no-brainer as you need to think to get the golf ball around the planets (you heard me). Kind of fun, and I don't even like golf.
Happy 400th Birthday!
Galileo's telescope was first shown to Venetian lawmakers on this day, 400 years ago. He didn't invent the first telescope, but his is the one that became known as the terrestrial telescope.
Google's home page today has a nice homage to it. Some other links below:
A Favorite Comic: xkcd

I work in the IT field, so this post felt particularly appropriate (I may know a lot, but I don't know everything about every single program out there.).
This one is even more fitting for many adult children, too (aka your parents keep calling for help).
Check out xkcd for more entertaining comics.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Want To Remotely Control Your Oven? Try Your Cellphone!
It's true. As hard to believe as it sounds, some Maytag ovens are sensitive to the interference caused by cellphones (the same reason your computer speakers might make weird noises when your cellphone is near).
The New York Times has an article and video to prove it.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Blue Lobster Saved From The Pot.

Check out this beauty. Experts estimate only one in 5 million lobsters are blue. Even rarer are bright orange ones. If you're into more than eating lobsters, this article has some cool information.
Friday, August 21, 2009
From Mental Floss: Why Shells Sound Like The Sea.
Mental Floss is becoming an educational site for me. Lots of answers to common myths and oddities we're all aware of, but rarely know the real answer to (at least, not me).
This post covers why when you hold a seashell up to your ear, it sounds like the ocean.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Health Care Reform Fact Check.
There's so much media dedicated to health care reform, I figured I'd put my tiny voice in, too. Not my opinion (like anyone would listen), but a fact check article.
NBC News has done a new poll and the results indicate some people may believe the myths out there on health care reform. Below is the poll myth results and the actual facts. It would be nice if people would research myths. 'Death panels', indeed. The full AP article is here.
"A look at each of those points:
THE POLL: 45 percent said it's likely the government will decide when to stop care for the elderly; 50 percent said it's not likely.
THE FACTS: Nothing being debated in Washington would give the government such authority. Critics have twisted a provision in a House bill that would direct Medicare to pay for counseling sessions about end-of-life care, living wills, hospices and the like if a patient wants such consultations with a doctor. They have said, incorrectly, that the elderly would be required to have these sessions.
House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio said such counseling "may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia."
The bill would prohibit coverage of counseling that presents suicide or assisted suicide as an option.
Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia, who has been a proponent of coverage for end-of-life counseling under Medicare, said such sessions are a voluntary benefit, strictly between doctor and patient, and it was "nuts" to think death panels are looming or euthanasia is part of the equation.
But as fellow conservatives stepped up criticism of the provision, he backed away from his defense of it.
THE POLL: 55 percent expect the overhaul will give coverage to illegal immigrants; 34 percent don't.
THE FACTS: The proposals being negotiated do not provide coverage for illegal immigrants.
THE POLL: 54 percent said the overhaul will lead to a government takeover of health care; 39 percent disagree.
THE FACTS: Obama is not proposing a single-payer system in which the government covers everyone, like in Canada or some European countries. He says that direction is not right for the U.S. The proposals being negotiated do not go there.
At issue is a proposed "exchange" or "marketplace" in which a new government plan would be one option for people who aren't covered at work or whose job coverage is too expensive. The exchange would offer some private plans as well as the public one, all of them required to offer certain basic benefits.
That's a long way from a government takeover. But when Obama tells people they can just continue with the plans they have now if they are happy with them, that can't be taken at face value, either. Tax provisions could end up making it cheaper for some employers to pay a fee to end their health coverage, nudging some patients into a public plan with different doctors and benefits. Over time, critics fear, the public plan could squeeze private insurers out of business because they would not be able to compete with the federal government.
It's unclear now whether Obama is committed to the public option. He described it recently as "just one sliver" of health reform, suggesting it was expendable if lawmakers could agree on another way to expand affordable coverage. Now the White House is emphasizing his strong support for it.
THE POLL: 50 percent expect taxpayer dollars will be used to pay for abortions; 37 percent don't.
THE FACTS: The House version of legislation would allow coverage for abortion in the public plan. But the procedure would be paid for with dollars from beneficiary premiums, not from federal funds. Likewise, private plans in the new insurance exchange could opt to cover abortion, but no federal subsidies would be used to pay for the procedure.
Opponents say the prohibition on federal money for the procedure is merely a bookkeeping trick and what matters is that Washington would allow abortion to be covered under government-subsidized insurance.
Obama has stated that the U.S. should continue its tradition of "not financing abortions as part of government-funded health care." Current laws prohibiting public financing of abortion would stay on the books.
Yet abortion guidelines are not yet clear for the government-supervised insurance exchange. There is strong sentiment in Congress on both sides of the issue."
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Is That A Snake In Our Yard?

I hate it when the neighbors let their dogs run loose in the neighborhood. At least I don't have neighbors who keep a pet python that might escape from time to time.
Real Meaning Of Pyramid On Dollar Bill.

This article over at Mental Floss explains the Great Seal of the United States. Not really as fun an explanation as Masons or any other conspiracies, but there you go.
A Truly Insatiable Appetite.
This was on Good Morning America. This link is to an article on the same person. Don't wish Prader-Willi Syndrome on anyone.
When Lawyers Are The Crooks
This guy is "innocent until proven guilty", of course, but goes to show how a bad seed can be anywhere.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sex = Food
Hate women? Want to have sex on a regular basis, no matter what your bitch, excuse me, wife wants? Well, just make sure your government "quietly" passes a law to support your misogynist interpretation of your religion. You know, because God wants a husband to be able to starve his wife if she refuses sex.
Or, move to Afghanistan. The law's already in place.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
How Some Wives Feel.

I wouldn't know personally about this type of husband, but I figure this picture says it all for a few. From one of my favorite comics, Non Sequitur.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Real Mature.
We've all got our pet peeves. Certainly, people parking where they shouldn't is a common one. When you're a judge, though, resorting to childish behavior over a parking spot is not the best way to deal with that pet peeve.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
There Should Be An Age Limit On Tasing.
They tasered a 76-year-old? Seriously? Even the police chief admits "we probably didn't do things the best way we could have". You think?
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction.

From one of my favorite blogs, MyParentsJoinedFacbook, comes one entry that reminds all of us how wonderful it is when Granny tells those charming, uplifting stories about our birthdays.
Do Fans Need An Excuse To Drink?
Whiskey, that great cure all. Got a little swine flu? Well, whiskey will cure that!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Hockey Player's Cheap Shot.
$1.20? This hockey player got angry over $1.20 in change? I mean, the NHL is no NFL, salary-wise, but I think players can afford to tip a taxi driver $1.20. Seriously.
Article here.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hold On To Your Eyesight!
This guy wants to steal it (if your sight comes in the form of eyeglasses). I know there are strange fetishes out there, but, yeah, didn't "see" this one coming.
Article here.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dog and Owner Reunited After Hurricane Ike

They make movies about dogs being reunited with their family. This one was missing for 10 months. Article here.
Will These Two Murderers Make Beautiful Music Together?
Charles Manson is a huge fan of Phil Spector. Apparently, Spector's not a fan of Mason.
Article here.
I Guess He Didn't Like The Sound Of His Own Voice.
More Darwin fun. This robber ran away when the smart clerk flipped on the intercom system.
Article here.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Don't Mess With Texas
Seriously. A tough clerk and a few citizens will have you hog-tied for the police in no time.
Article here.
He Should've Had A Getaway Car
How to tell when someone's just robbed a store: When they're running down the street with the cash register in hand. Can we say Darwin Award nominee?
Article here.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Talk About Needing Gambler's Anonymous
How many children need to die before idiots, I mean, grandparents and parents, stop leaving kids in hot cars? Seriously.
This woman's luck wasn't at the casino. It's that those kids weren't kidnapped or killed.
For You Chocolate Lovers.

In order to make up for the sad story I posted earlier about a chocolate factory worker who died by falling into boiling chocolate, I've decided to promote the most interesting chocolate you've never considered eating, until NOW.
Fine camel-milk chocolates, at your service. You can thank me later.
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Couple Of Love Stories For You
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Yes, But Is It Moist And Delicious?

Check out this 150 pound record-breaking cupcake. Whenever they have these huge record-breaking food events, I want to know who eats all that food. At least this time they told us. A pig farm?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Lifetime Supply Of Hot Dogs?

Hey, honey! Let's fire up some hot dogs! Under the deck!
Sounds kind of boring that Oscar Mayer is going to have insurance take care of it. I'd want a lifetime supply of wieners. The jokes could go on for years!
Article here.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Screamingly, Blantant Self-Promotion!!!!!
Don't say I didn't warn you.
So, besides amusing myself with news, I get great, life-affirming relief from ads. All kinds. You should hear me go on about certain billboards, t.v. commercials, etc. I should've been in advertising except I don't dress well enough for that.
My mother loves, loves, to tell the story of how back when I was 3, (or was it 6? 19?) I'd be riding in the grocery cart (maybe I was 19) in the store singing the various jingles of the products we passed. I was especially a fan of Green Giant vegetables ("Ho Ho Ho! Green Giant!").
With new technology (aka the internet) comes even more advertisements. My newest ad-reading-for-no-other-reason-then-to-laugh-at-them has been on Facebook (I know some people use the site for its features, but have you seen the ads? Gold!).
So, I've created an entire blog devoted just to Facebook ads and my opinion on them. Check it out! It's got pictures! Amusing Facebook Ads.
Okay, back to your regularly scheduled What Amuses Me.
Green Giant advertisement , vintage.. great jingle ! - Click here for another funny movie.
Don't Get Lost In New Hampshire
Personally, I think this is ridiculous. Especially if you read the details on how much it cost the state this year to rescue people. That amount of money isn't even a drop in the state budget yet they want to fine a teenager $25,000 for hurting his ankle and getting lost while hiking?
Okay, some people that go hiking aren't always properly prepared, but $25,000? Could you let the kid go to college before he gets deeply in debt like the rest of us?
I hope the parents sue to get that fine reduced.
Read Them And Weep.
I should be reading the latest news to find inspiration for a post. It is the point of this blog, after all.
But, nope. Not in the mood.
Instead, I've been distracted in the best possible way by the following blogs. I will soon adjust (as soon as I figure out how the heck to do it) my layout and add these great blogs where you (at least two others read the blog, correct? this isn't totally pointless, right?) can easily get to them.
Until then, these wonderful bloggers who've had me crying in laughter (no hospital visit required, thank you) can be found below:
There's more, but those are my current faves, besides the recently mentioned PhotoshopDisasters and MyParentsJoinedFacebook.
Happy crying!
I Love My Boyfriend This Much.
I understand the concept of stealing someone else's boyfriend. I understand the feeling of being "in love".
But, no, I don't think I'd ever steal $11 million for my boyfriend.
Article here.
My Parents Joined Facebook
If you use Facebook, and especially if your relatives are on Facebook, you need to check out MyParentsJoinedFacebook.com.
What people will post on a website is incredible. The image above is one small sample. Humor yourself and support their entertaining work.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Saw This At Digg - Manly Soldier Name
I agree it has got to be one of the best names ever. Thank you for serving our country.
Article here.
Thankfully, They Weren't Wearing Capri's
Another reminder how far women's rights have to go in certain countries. Forty lashes over wearing pants. Shameful.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Photoshop Disasters
If you haven't checked out this site, you need to. The world of advertising, especially the poor schmucks who can't create a quality magazine cover, movie poster, etc, need your laughs to survive!
Simply put: this is one of my favorite blogs and is worth checking out daily. That's why I'm plugging it.
Love Chocolate? Don't Read This.
I'm a serious lover of chocolate (insert your own kinky gutter joke here).
I wouldn't want to work at a chocolate factory, though.
This horrific death is one reason why.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
You Know There's Been Too Much Michael Jackson Coverage When...
People think they've seen his "ghost" during some Larry King video footage.
Watch the video for yourself here.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Maybe He'll Get Lucky!
Okay, it's not that kind of date, but July 5th was an "odd" one.
Turns out any date (as in 07/05/09) with three consecutive odd numbers only happens five times a century.
Check out Ron Gordon's website, Odd Day, for more info.
[Yes, I missed getting this post in on time.]
Sunday, July 5, 2009
R.I.P. Steve McNair
36 is way too young for anyone to die, especially by a gun. I'm a fan of football and remember the 2000 Super Bowl. McNair was an excellent quarterback in his day.
CNN article here.
I Love Dating Advice Articles
Okay, not really. You can find plenty of good advice out there, but I'm not convinced this article should be included in such a grouping. Even other people give it low stars.
Is it me or is it okay to have a coffee date sometimes (I'm a fiend for coffee, so may be a bit prejudiced)? Now, #5, I can understand. By the time you go on a date, no "ex" discussion should be happening.
The article is here.
Friday, July 3, 2009
I Don't Think This Is What The Astros Meant By "Killer B's"
Check out the picture and blog article here.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service
Check out the article here.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Even In Death, Michael Jackson Is Making History
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Jesus Is In My Cheeto!
Here's the latest person that thinks their Cheeto is shaped like Jesus.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Does This Look Like 15 Items Or Less To You?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
ShamWow Guy Arrested
Makes me wonder what kinds of fluids the ShamWow can absorb besides water and cola...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Ghost Of Sex Shop's Past
Padding Your Pants?
Got To Love Preachers Of Hate
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Pope Thinks Condoms Spreads HIV
Article here.
Actress Natasha Richardson Has Left Us Early
BBC's article.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Gaming Has A "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy?
Article here.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What Not To Drop Down Toilet
Article here.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A-Roid Good Example In Science Of Lying
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
F Minus Comic
I don't know why, but this comic amused the hell out of me today.
If you've never read F Minus, it's worth a look. Check it out here.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Stir Over The Octuplet Mom
Lots of opinion articles are out there. Here's one of them.
I don't know where I stand on it all, but perhaps it is a good idea her fertility doctor is being investigated. Then again, where do you draw the line on telling someone how many children they can have?
Smells Like Bad Cops To Me
Why Hurricanes Cost So Much
Friday, February 6, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
This Is A Horrible Way To Die
Article here.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Allergy Alert!!!
The Daily Mail found an egg carton with an important warning for those with no I.Q. whatsoever.
Article here.
Sad Way To Go
A man died while visiting his parents at a grave site when a tombstone fell on him.
Article here.
More Unsportsmanship In Sports
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Rate A Hooker!
Article here.
Proof That Minds (Great or Not) Think Alike
Article here.
Friday, January 9, 2009
This One Leaves Me Nearly Speechless
Article here.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I'm Sorry, So Sorry...
This post is my huge apology to my followers for not posting in forever. No excuses, just a plan to behave and post appropriately (i.e. often). Certainly, there's plenty out there amusing me.
I'll go get whipped by a thousand wet noodles now...
Unrealistic Goals in...wait, not Iraq...
Article here.
I'm a Sucker For These Stories
Article here.
Plastic Surgery Regrets
Article here.
Attack of the Biggest Loser!
Amuse yourself here.
Hope For Youths
Check out this article from Rick Reilly's "Life of Reilly" column over at ESPN. It involves the Gainesville State High School football game against the Grapevine Faith in Grapevine, Tx. Talk about the best free gift you can give some troubled youth.