Man buys some old vinyl 45s. Turns out, they were his mother's.

Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hold On To Your Eyesight!
This guy wants to steal it (if your sight comes in the form of eyeglasses). I know there are strange fetishes out there, but, yeah, didn't "see" this one coming.
Article here.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dog and Owner Reunited After Hurricane Ike

They make movies about dogs being reunited with their family. This one was missing for 10 months. Article here.
Will These Two Murderers Make Beautiful Music Together?
Charles Manson is a huge fan of Phil Spector. Apparently, Spector's not a fan of Mason.
Article here.
I Guess He Didn't Like The Sound Of His Own Voice.
More Darwin fun. This robber ran away when the smart clerk flipped on the intercom system.
Article here.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Don't Mess With Texas
Seriously. A tough clerk and a few citizens will have you hog-tied for the police in no time.
Article here.
He Should've Had A Getaway Car
How to tell when someone's just robbed a store: When they're running down the street with the cash register in hand. Can we say Darwin Award nominee?
Article here.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Talk About Needing Gambler's Anonymous
How many children need to die before idiots, I mean, grandparents and parents, stop leaving kids in hot cars? Seriously.
This woman's luck wasn't at the casino. It's that those kids weren't kidnapped or killed.
For You Chocolate Lovers.

In order to make up for the sad story I posted earlier about a chocolate factory worker who died by falling into boiling chocolate, I've decided to promote the most interesting chocolate you've never considered eating, until NOW.
Fine camel-milk chocolates, at your service. You can thank me later.
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Couple Of Love Stories For You
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Yes, But Is It Moist And Delicious?

Check out this 150 pound record-breaking cupcake. Whenever they have these huge record-breaking food events, I want to know who eats all that food. At least this time they told us. A pig farm?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Lifetime Supply Of Hot Dogs?

Hey, honey! Let's fire up some hot dogs! Under the deck!
Sounds kind of boring that Oscar Mayer is going to have insurance take care of it. I'd want a lifetime supply of wieners. The jokes could go on for years!
Article here.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Screamingly, Blantant Self-Promotion!!!!!
Don't say I didn't warn you.
So, besides amusing myself with news, I get great, life-affirming relief from ads. All kinds. You should hear me go on about certain billboards, t.v. commercials, etc. I should've been in advertising except I don't dress well enough for that.
My mother loves, loves, to tell the story of how back when I was 3, (or was it 6? 19?) I'd be riding in the grocery cart (maybe I was 19) in the store singing the various jingles of the products we passed. I was especially a fan of Green Giant vegetables ("Ho Ho Ho! Green Giant!").
With new technology (aka the internet) comes even more advertisements. My newest ad-reading-for-no-other-reason-then-to-laugh-at-them has been on Facebook (I know some people use the site for its features, but have you seen the ads? Gold!).
So, I've created an entire blog devoted just to Facebook ads and my opinion on them. Check it out! It's got pictures! Amusing Facebook Ads.
Okay, back to your regularly scheduled What Amuses Me.
Green Giant advertisement , vintage.. great jingle ! - Click here for another funny movie.
Don't Get Lost In New Hampshire
Personally, I think this is ridiculous. Especially if you read the details on how much it cost the state this year to rescue people. That amount of money isn't even a drop in the state budget yet they want to fine a teenager $25,000 for hurting his ankle and getting lost while hiking?
Okay, some people that go hiking aren't always properly prepared, but $25,000? Could you let the kid go to college before he gets deeply in debt like the rest of us?
I hope the parents sue to get that fine reduced.
Read Them And Weep.
I should be reading the latest news to find inspiration for a post. It is the point of this blog, after all.
But, nope. Not in the mood.
Instead, I've been distracted in the best possible way by the following blogs. I will soon adjust (as soon as I figure out how the heck to do it) my layout and add these great blogs where you (at least two others read the blog, correct? this isn't totally pointless, right?) can easily get to them.
Until then, these wonderful bloggers who've had me crying in laughter (no hospital visit required, thank you) can be found below:
There's more, but those are my current faves, besides the recently mentioned PhotoshopDisasters and MyParentsJoinedFacebook.
Happy crying!
I Love My Boyfriend This Much.
I understand the concept of stealing someone else's boyfriend. I understand the feeling of being "in love".
But, no, I don't think I'd ever steal $11 million for my boyfriend.
Article here.
My Parents Joined Facebook
If you use Facebook, and especially if your relatives are on Facebook, you need to check out
What people will post on a website is incredible. The image above is one small sample. Humor yourself and support their entertaining work.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Saw This At Digg - Manly Soldier Name
I agree it has got to be one of the best names ever. Thank you for serving our country.
Article here.
Thankfully, They Weren't Wearing Capri's
Another reminder how far women's rights have to go in certain countries. Forty lashes over wearing pants. Shameful.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Photoshop Disasters
If you haven't checked out this site, you need to. The world of advertising, especially the poor schmucks who can't create a quality magazine cover, movie poster, etc, need your laughs to survive!
Simply put: this is one of my favorite blogs and is worth checking out daily. That's why I'm plugging it.
Love Chocolate? Don't Read This.
I'm a serious lover of chocolate (insert your own kinky gutter joke here).
I wouldn't want to work at a chocolate factory, though.
This horrific death is one reason why.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
You Know There's Been Too Much Michael Jackson Coverage When...
People think they've seen his "ghost" during some Larry King video footage.
Watch the video for yourself here.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Maybe He'll Get Lucky!
Okay, it's not that kind of date, but July 5th was an "odd" one.
Turns out any date (as in 07/05/09) with three consecutive odd numbers only happens five times a century.
Check out Ron Gordon's website, Odd Day, for more info.
[Yes, I missed getting this post in on time.]
Sunday, July 5, 2009
R.I.P. Steve McNair
36 is way too young for anyone to die, especially by a gun. I'm a fan of football and remember the 2000 Super Bowl. McNair was an excellent quarterback in his day.
CNN article here.
I Love Dating Advice Articles
Okay, not really. You can find plenty of good advice out there, but I'm not convinced this article should be included in such a grouping. Even other people give it low stars.
Is it me or is it okay to have a coffee date sometimes (I'm a fiend for coffee, so may be a bit prejudiced)? Now, #5, I can understand. By the time you go on a date, no "ex" discussion should be happening.
The article is here.
Friday, July 3, 2009
I Don't Think This Is What The Astros Meant By "Killer B's"
Check out the picture and blog article here.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service
Check out the article here.